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Among the Bankers

?? 軍人年改爭議多

  • 作者: Azis, Iwan J.
  • 原文出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc
  • 出版日期:2019/02/28
  • 語言:英文

Capital and the Common Good

軍改案條文明定,軍人年金樓地板為 3 萬 8990 元,但月退休總所得低於最低保障金額,將不受年改影響;退休俸起支俸率 55 %,年增率 2 %,軍官所得替代率上限為 90 %、士官 95 %,18 %優個人信貸利率最低的銀行惠存款分 10 年歸零。

Waging Cooperation in Asia- A Balanced View Towards Regional Integration


Naked Money

軍改案三讀 樓地板38990元
七一難上路? 國防部說出難處
軍改釋憲 教授:沒新理由恐仍合憲
起支俸率55+2% 6萬多人受影響

更多 NOWnews 今日新聞報導

Waging Cooperation in Asia- A Balanced View Towards Regional Integration


Marketing Communications

Quantitative Momentum


Exploring Advice

軍人年改三讀 賴清德:有利募兵制推動、確保國家安全
軍人年改三讀 總統:克服年金破產危機




Being open and particularly dependent on trade with G2, the Asian economy should have suffered greatly during the Great Recession. Yet, the region has performed remarkably well. The strength of domestic demand is only a part of the explanation. The other important part is a rising economic integration, featured by, among others, growing intra-Asian trade and trade between Asia and other emerging market economies. This book argues that this trend is likely to continue even with the G2 recovery, because it can provide better opportunities for a more balanced and sustainable development. The future intensity and nature of integration, however, depends on how the regional authorities will frame and pursue economic cooperation that has started to proliferate after the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis. To the extent that the past success of the “Asian miracle” has been driven by unilateral liberalization, and the recent trend of rising regional integration is more market-driven than institution-driven, unlike in the European case, the goals of regional cooperation should be distinct.The book distills some of the important facts and provides the analysis of regional integration in Asia. One of the author’s premises is that, regional integration should be viewed in a balanced way: it can provide benefits and opportunities, but it can also be costly and carry some risks. It is in this context that regional cooperation should be placed. Given the free flows of capital in the current global economic uncertainty, regional cooperation in the provision of financial safety nets is particularly highlighted.


商品訊息描述: 立法院臨時會昨晚通過軍人年改案,行政院發言人徐國勇今(21)日表示,行政院對此表示感謝,法案通過後的相關子法、辦法、細則等等,相關部會會以最快速度修正,行政院希望軍改能與公教年改,一同在 7 月 1 日正式實施。



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